Site of the 16th Vietnam International Power Technology Exhibition

The Vietnam International Electric Power Technology Exhibition ended successfully. Thank you for meeting our customers, old friends, new friends, new customers, international friends, overseas Chinese, and you all the way!

The 16th International Power Technology Exhibition held in Vietnam has invited the backbone of power technology from various countries, and the technical equipment of Benlong Automation Technology Co., Ltd. has been highly favored by companies from various countries upon exhibition.

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Benlong Automation is a national high-tech enterprise specializing in digital intelligent manufacturing equipment and customized solutions.

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Benlong Automation Technology Co., Ltd
Address: No. 2-1, Baixiang Avenue, Beibaixiang Town, Yueqing City
Tel: +86-577-62777057,  62777062
National unified service hotline: 4008-600-680

Post time: Aug-10-2023