Peb cov khoom siv npog ntau tshaj 30 lub teb chaws thiab cheeb tsam

Ltd. tau tsim nyob rau xyoo 2008, tshwj xeeb hauv kev tshawb fawb thiab kev tsim cov cuab yeej ntse ntse ntawm cov khoom siv hluav taws xob high-voltage rau 15 xyoo, nrog automation, digitalization, txawj ntse, neeg hlau, sensors, Internet ntawm yam, MES system technology raws li cov tub ntxhais. , muab cov neeg siv khoom nrog cov khoom siv ntse tsim thiab kev sib koom ua ke kev daws teeb meem ntawm lub teb chaws high-tech qhauj. Peb cov khoom raug muag thoob plaws lub tebchaws thiab xa tawm mus rau ntau tshaj 10 lub teb chaws thiab cheeb tsam xws li Southeast Asia, Middle East thiab North Africa.

Peb cov khoom siv npog ntau tshaj 30 lub teb chaws thiab cheeb tsam (26)
Peb cov khoom siv npog ntau tshaj 30 lub teb chaws thiab cheeb tsam (1)
Peb cov khoom siv npog ntau tshaj 30 lub teb chaws thiab cheeb tsam (2)
Peb cov khoom siv npog ntau tshaj 30 lub teb chaws thiab cheeb tsam (3)
Peb cov khoom siv npog ntau tshaj 30 lub teb chaws thiab cheeb tsam (4)
Peb cov khoom siv npog ntau tshaj 30 lub teb chaws thiab cheeb tsam (5)
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Peb cov khoom siv npog ntau tshaj 30 lub teb chaws thiab cheeb tsam (9)
Peb cov khoom siv npog ntau tshaj 30 lub teb chaws thiab cheeb tsam (10)
Peb cov khoom siv npog ntau tshaj 30 lub teb chaws thiab cheeb tsam (11)
Peb cov khoom siv npog ntau tshaj 30 lub teb chaws thiab cheeb tsam (12)
Peb cov khoom siv npog ntau tshaj 30 lub teb chaws thiab cheeb tsam (13)
Peb cov khoom siv npog ntau tshaj 30 lub teb chaws thiab cheeb tsam (14)
Peb cov khoom siv npog ntau tshaj 30 lub teb chaws thiab cheeb tsam (15)
Peb cov khoom siv npog ntau tshaj 30 lub teb chaws thiab cheeb tsam (16)
Peb cov khoom siv npog ntau tshaj 30 lub teb chaws thiab cheeb tsam (17)
Peb cov khoom siv npog ntau tshaj 30 lub teb chaws thiab cheeb tsam (18)
Peb cov khoom siv npog ntau tshaj 30 lub teb chaws thiab cheeb tsam (19)
Peb cov khoom siv npog ntau tshaj 30 lub teb chaws thiab cheeb tsam (21)
Peb cov khoom siv npog ntau tshaj 30 lub teb chaws thiab cheeb tsam (22)
Peb cov khoom siv npog ntau tshaj 30 lub teb chaws thiab cheeb tsam (23)
Peb cov khoom siv npog ntau tshaj 30 lub teb chaws thiab cheeb tsam (24)
Peb cov khoom siv npog ntau tshaj 30 lub teb chaws thiab cheeb tsam (25)
Peb cov khoom siv npog ntau tshaj 30 lub teb chaws thiab cheeb tsam (27)
Peb cov khoom siv npog ntau tshaj 30 lub teb chaws thiab cheeb tsam (28)
Peb cov khoom siv npog ntau tshaj 30 lub teb chaws thiab cheeb tsam (26)

Cov khoom tseem ceeb yog "cov khoom me me Circuit Court breaker tsis siv neeg sib dhos thiab kuaj cov kab ntau lawm", "IOT Circuit Court breaker / ntse Circuit Court breaker / ntse Circuit Court breaker / digital circuit breaker / 5G Circuit Court breaker tsis siv neeg sib dhos thiab kuaj cov kab ntau lawm", " ntsuas hloov / yas rooj plaub reclosing Circuit Court breaker tsis siv neeg sib dhos thiab sim saj zawg zog ntau lawm kab", "cov ntaub ntawv yas Circuit Court breaker tsis siv neeg sib dhos thiab sim saj zawg zog ntau lawm kab", "distributed photovoltaic Circuit Court breaker tsis siv neeg sib dhos thiab sim saj zawg zog kab ntau lawm los ua ke thiab sim saj zawg zog ntau lawm kab", "kua hluav taws xob Circuit Court breaker tsis siv neeg los ua ke thiab sim saj zawg zog ntau lawm kab", "AC contactor tsis siv neeg sib dhos thiab kuaj saj zawg zog ntau lawm kab", "ob npaug fais fab tsis siv neeg hloov pauv hloov tsis siv neeg sib dhos thiab kuaj cov kab ntau lawm", "kev rho tawm hloov tsis siv neeg sib dhos thiab kuaj cov kab ntau lawm", "thav duab Circuit Court breaker tsis siv neeg sib dhos thiab sim saj zawg zog ntau lawm kab", "lub teeb liab teeb tsis siv neeg sib dhos thiab kuaj cov kab ntau lawm VS1 High Voltage Nqus Circuit Breaker Automatic Production Line", "Self-repeating Over-voltage Protection Device Automatic Flexible Production Line", "Fuse Automatic Assembly and Testing Flexible Production Line", "Energy Meter Automatic Assembly and Testing Flexible Production Line", "Lithium Battery Automatic Assembly Production Kab", "Tsis siv neeg nruab nrab zaus / siab zaus / Laser / Ultrasonic / vuam khoom", "Tsis siv neeg ntim ntau lawm kab", "AGV Automatic Logistics Equipment", "Automatic Stereo Storage Equipment", thiab lwm yam.

Post lub sij hawm: Aug-10-2023